NBAAC is an Aboriginal Women’s Corporation which was started in 1991 by a group of New Mapoon women who wanted to fill the gap of quality child care and activities and create a place for women to be able to talk about their issues and problems in creating healthy, safe families.
New Mapoon is one of the five Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander communities within the Northern Peninsula Area (NPA). There are 300 residents in the New Mapoon and 2,900 in the NPA.
The organisation was incorporated in 1992, and successfully obtained funding from the (then) Department of Family Services and Aboriginal and Islander Affairs for the construction of a purpose-built Child Care Centre and upgrade of an existing house (gifted by New Mapoon Council). The Child Care Centre was opened in 1993 and continues to deliver quality child care services for parents.
Our services since 1993 have changed in line with the changing funding opportunities, where delivery of our current services include:
Family Resource Centre which includes a part-time Service Coordinator, Receptionist, Financial Manager
New Mapoon Child Care Centre (0-5 year olds) – 39 place centre
New Mapoon Children’s Activity Centre (Outside Hours School Centre)(5-12 years) – 30 place centre
Part-time Centrelink Community Agent
NBAAC also lease office space to outside community organisations as a means of raising revenue, but also enhancing access to services for the people of Mapoon.